Clients reflections on my work


" Liz really puts heart and soul into her work and is a catalyst to empowering people to be themselves". Andrea


""I have seen a few therapists and what for me makes a good one is if you feel they give a damn. And I always felt Liz gave a damn. Her support, guidance and understanding for my situation was exceptional. " - Peter J, London


Firstly, I want to let you know that I celebrated my first year gambling free on 4/07/16, which is absolutely wonderful. I didnt believe it was possible! I am eternally grateful to you for your patience, encouragement, understanding". Clare


"Liz has been excellent in understanding and explaining the underlying reasons and has been professional, friendly and receptive to the problem throughout my sessions. This has enabled me to take action for myself and kick the gambling habit. Again thank you very much". Alan


" Thank you Liz for helping me to get my life back. You always made me feel I was important because clearly you listened to me- you remembered things I told you  that I had forgotten myself! :-) I will miss you but feel ready to manage now."Kelly 31/01/17


" Liz was always kind and never gave up on me. She really is someone for whom her word is her bond so it's easy to trust her and I found her to be completely empathetic

which helped me to understand why I was making the same mistakes over and over and most important of all how I could stop". Andrew P. Surrey


"Liz really opens doors for you that you didn't know even existed" - Lawrence


" Liz has been a source of strength and guidance for me and with her help I have faced so many of my anxieties and I am now in a much better place" :-)  -Helen


" I wish I had come to see you a year ago, Liz. because this has made such a difference to my life" Clare, Brighton


"I have restructured my career moved home! Before I came to see Liz I couldn't even decide what I wanted for breakfast... I found the therapy to be truly wonderful experience" - Eden 


Every therapy session was worth it. A big thank you for every moment of the life I have now. Love what you have helped me to acheive! X Jane


I always know I will feel positive after talking to you Liz, because everything you tell me to do actually works. Ruth November 2017


Liz changed my life. I feel different: calmer, more myself . Gambling hardly crosses my mind now. K. L. August 2018

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All initial enquiries +4407792 166328


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© Liz Karter MBE. Expert in Gambling Addiction in Women. Author. Consultant Therapist to TV and Radio.